Making connections, increasing supports and growing together as a community of parents in Dawson.


Healthy Families, Healthy Babies supports folks planning to have a child or folks who are currently pregnant as well as parents of children up to five years of age.

HFHB services are FREE, adaptable and based on participants’ needs, interests, and comfort level. Every new parent is different and has unique needs. Services may change depending on funding initiatives and budgeting priorities.



Groups and workshops are offered when there is interest in the community of participating parents. Connect with us to find out about our monthly schedule.

Respite either in home or at our center for two hours a week per family until baby reaches one year of age. Priority is given to new parents or those without extended family in the community. Parents can use this time as they want: pop out to have a coffee, do meal prep, a shower, a walk, errands, access resources, advocacy, chats. …

Equipment Lending Library includes a vast inventory of most of the things families need for the first few years of their child’s life. This includes breastfeeding supplies, strollers, car seats, baby gates, travel essentials, diapers, vitamins, toys, books and more! We are continuously updating our inventory and have multiples of each item to share.

Drop In Center is open for families to use as their second home during regular hours and is set up for child safe exploration, art/crafts, literacy centers and active play.

Laundry, showering and clean water fill-up is free for families to use during regular hours. We recognize that many of our families live off-grid and have limited access to clean running water.

WIFI and Computer/Printing is available for families. Support in any administration tasks is available if requested.

Food Security initiatives are available depending on the current funding parameters and food donations. These supports may include monthly grocery vouchers, vitamins, freezer meals, wild meat distribution, meal preparation workshops, and harvesting and processing. of available food.

Advocacy for our children and families. This may include attending doctor’s appointments, connecting with specialists, researching current medical best practices and/or recommendations, supporting with financial literacy and certainly communicating with government officials in regards to the needs of our children.

Kid’s Time Drop In Childcare is currently being offered on Wednesdays and Fridays. Morning and afternoon sessions are available for children 1-5 years old with limited space. Registration is required but drop-in spaces are available for last minute appointments and emergencies.



Healthy Families, Healthy Babies center is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 5:30pm. Some programming may be offered in the evenings or over the weekend.

Due to the nature of our work supporting parents, sometimes HFHB workers are off-site. If you’d like to connect with a specific worker, it’s often best to call ahead.

Respite is scheduled in coordination with parents with infants up to 1 year of age, priority based an youngest and existing support network.
